!define COMMAND_PATTERN {ruby -I %p "L:/ruby_home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fit-1.1/bin/FitServer.rb" -v}Ok so let’s run this. The table looks self-explanatory. We are adding three credit entries and verifying the balance. Now that reminds us we didn’t implement the currentBalance tracking part! Make a note of that Ok so let’s write the Fit fixture code.
!path "L:/Gishu/Ruby/Rails/ShowMeTheMoney"
# Lucky Charm : Sample Test Fixture to check if Ruby FitServer is reachable
file: ShowMeTheMoneu\AcceptanceTests\enter_inflow_records.rb
module AcceptanceTests
class EnterInflowRecords < Fit::Fixture
def inflow dateCreated, sDescription, fAmount
def inflow= inflowObject
def current_balance
return 0
Now click on test in the wiki. It says inflow= method is called but missing. Strange. I add some trace lines to figure out what is going on. Turns out the inflow= method is being called with only the description param. It looks to me that that there can only be a max of three columns ever in an action fixture table. Let’s modify our test table like this!|fit.ActionFixture|So now lets get that fixture working
Whoa! Lot of code there.require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test/test_helper'
require 'inflow_controller'
require 'fit/fixture'
class RailsHelper < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@controller = InflowController.new
@request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
def test_dummy
module AcceptanceTests
class EnterInflowRecords < Fit::Fixture
attr_accessor :description, :amount
def initialize
@helper = RailsHelper.new("test_dummy")
def addEntry
@helper.get :new
@helper.post :create, :credit => {:description => @description, :amount => @amount}
def current_balance
return Credit.count
- Since Rails has spoilt me.. I resorted to sneaky ways to glue my application code to the Fit table. The get and post methods are added to the Test::Unit::TestCase by Rails. Since our fixture has to inherit from Fit::Fixture, I turned to composition.. created a dummy test case derivation as a member of the fixture. Distilled out the essential things.. and it works!
- Also current_balance as of now returns number of records in Credit table so that we know if the deal is going through (not what it should be doing but we will get to that).
file: \ShowMeTheMoney\test\unit\credit_test.rb
DELTA = 0.001 #tolerance
def test_currentBalance
assert_in_delta totalAmountOfAllCreditEntries, Credit.currentBalance, DELTA, "Imbalance"
assert_in_delta totalAmountOfAllCreditEntries, Credit.currentBalance, DELTA, "Imbalance"
def totalAmountOfAllCreditEntries
obResultModels = Credit.find_by_sql("select sum(amount) as totalAmount from credits")
file: \ShowMeTheMoney\app\models\credit.rb
def Credit.currentBalance
fCurrentBalance = 0
Credit.find(:all).each{|entry| fCurrentBalance += entry.amount}
Ok now let’s get that acceptance test to pass. We correct current_balance method in enter_inflow_records.rb
def current_balance
And just like that Balboa lands one. Our first passing acceptance test!!
We add some more steps to the above table to simulate the user choosing to delete the last record (hey everyone makes mistakes) and verifying that the current balance is still correct. We update the fixture code to deal with the new steps.
This gave me a bit of a fight.
- I initially used selectEntry as the table method to mark a record for deletion. Creating accessor :select_entry => undefined method ‘selectEntry’. Creating an accessor :selectEntry didn’t work => fit server wasn’t able to find select_entry=. In the end I just settled with select_entry in the html table.
- I initially implemented delete as shown below. This didn’t work – the record was not deleted.
def delete
@helper.post :destroy, :id => @select_entry.to_i
Little spying around lead to ‘Record#1 doesn’t mean id#1’ Well that just skipped my mind. However that’s a good thing coz we now have another test that we missed – trying to delete a record via manually editing the url. Make a note. I add the Record# to Record id lookup and..
def deleteTa da!
@helper.post :destroy, :id => getID_ForSelectedEntry
def getID_ForSelectedEntry
obSelectedEntry = Credit.find(:all, :order => "id")[@select_entry.to_i - 1]
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