How to create a global (system) windows hook ?

What are Windows Hooks? You probably don't want to know that :) Good starting points are
The MSDN door to hooks
Win32 Hooks

A global / system hook would be “I want to be called when anyone does X in any process” ; the other kind is when “I want to be called when anyone does X in ThreadID#Y”. Creating a global windows hook cannot be done in managed code except (some keyboard/mouse hooks) via P/Invoke (so save yourself some time although local hooks are possible).
Windows would callback on the Hook function ; also called the filter function. The signature -

LRESULT CALLBACK FilterFunctionForHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

For global hooks, the filter function should be contained in an unmanaged DLL – I created one called WinHookFacade.dll. This unmanaged DLL would be injected into each process. Also the copy of the DLL loaded into other process cannot be explicitly unloaded – will unload when the process goes down. Also any bad code in the hook function can result in bad scary things and may require the user to go through a logoff-login or reboot cycle. Avoid if possible because global hooks will extract their pound of performance. But when has that stopped us programmers ? ;) Hence exercise caution with global hooks.

To create a global hook, you therefore need to create an exe project that hooks/unhooks the filter function and a dll project that contains the filter function.

The Hook

void Hook()
HINSTANCE hCurrentDll = GetModuleHandle(_T("WinHookFacade.dll"));
g_HookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,

if (g_HookHandle == NULL)
throw new std::exception("Unable to hook");

The key here would be the SetWindowsHookEx Win32 API function. The first parameter is what type of hook you’d like to register for – See this page for available types. In this example, WH_CBT means events related to windows (creation,activation,destructions etc). The second parameter is the name of the Hook/Filter function that shall be called back by the OS – detailed below. The third parameter is a handle to the DLL containing the hook function for global hooks (if null, it indicates a thread-specific hook). The fourth parameter is 0 for global hooks (for thread/local hooks, it is the Thread ID you want to hook into).

The Callback

LRESULT CALLBACK FilterFunctionForHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (code >= 0)
//your code e.g.
// log the window title
return CallNextHookEx(g_HookHandle, code, wParam, lParam);

This function would be called in the process in which the event occurs (e.g. where a window is created). Process Isolation : a process cannot run custom code into another process; hence DLL injection. Also the CallNextHookEx Win32 API function must be called to pass control onto the next filter function in queue passing it the original arguments received to be a good citizen. The first parameter is the Hook Handle obtained when you registered the Hook function.

IMPORTANT: However this value must be the same across all instances of the shared Hook DLL & must be available within the filter function. For this reason, you need to create the “hook handle” in a shared data segment Whaa.. how do I do that? Declare your HHOOK variable like this

#pragma data_seg (".MY_HOOK_DATA")
HHOOK g_HookHandle = 0;
#pragma data_seg()

This function is supposed to call the next function in queue without doing anything if the code argument is less than zero. If not, the function may execute custom code to do specific tasks. The wParam and lParam arguments are pointers to handles/structures containing additional info. The exact type of structure depends on the value of the code parameter – check msdn for the page for the specific alias of the filterfunction e.g. in my case it would be CBTPROC; wParam is a handle to the window and lParam is a pointer to a struct


void Unhook()
if (!UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_HookHandle))
throw new std::exception("Unhook failed!");

g_HookHandle = NULL;

Here the primary player is the UnhookWindowsHookEx Win32 API Function. In case of an error, you’d need to use the fugly GetLastError() function to know what really went wrong.

Test Drive

Now to take this for a spin, create an exe project referencing the DLL containing the hook function. The main function will call on the exported functions as shown below..

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char buffer[256];

printf("Press Enter to exit\n"); // hook is running

printf("Done. Woohoo!!\n");

That’s all there is to it.
CAUTION: Also if you get something wrong, the effects would be felt immediately – in my case, the UI would freeze as soon as my botched hook function was registered; my taskbar would be nuked and random error dialogs from running apps. But nothing a reboot can’t solve! C++ string compiler errors, WinAPI gotchas & hooks -- It was like walking on a tightrope in dark windy conditions. <runs back to the managed side>


  1. Do you have the sourcecode to the code you described here? I'm a bit confused about where to put the different code samples you posted. If you do have the source code, please send an email to gundersen at gmail...

  2. Great post, but like to see an example with source code too...

  3. Thanks alot
    would you please elaborate more on the dll construction part? would you show the how a dll is created?
    would putting that function in a dll only do it? or that function needs to be called in a loop of somekind ?
    what if i want to capture all events which happen in a system? for example a usb drive is attached to the system or a driver is being installed ? just like anti virus programs like kaspersky which show a dialog when any new process is going to get created or executed in a system?
