Show Me The Money - 3 - Fitnesse + Fit + Ruby oh my!

Iteration#1 Day 2/10

So lets start with Task : writing the acceptance tests for story#6 - tracking inflows
Voice of Customer (VOC) : Basically I'd be getting bags of money from different sources and it should add up to my current balance
Is that detailed enough? Lets find out by writing some executable specs a.k.a. acceptance tests to expose any hidden reqs. For that we need to get Fitnesse running with Ruby. That's another non-story task that we have. We already have fitnesse downloaded last time. Now we need to install a FitServer for Ruby.
  • d:\>gem install fit
I start the Fitnesse server by double clicking my (port- modified) run.bat file under the Fitnesse folder. Fire up a browser and verify it is up - http://localhost:2345

Next create a Main page for our Acc tests. Edit the URL to "http//localhost:2345/ShowMeTheMoneyMain"

Now click on the link show to create this page.
Now I need to add a comment - a quick search gets me this page. Yes the Fitnesse wiki has a Search button on the left just like Edit.. its not seen on the online version (to prevent web spiders apps) but its activated on your local copy of the wiki pages. I need to prefix the line with a # for a comment. Lets call the first page. TestsForTrackingInflowsS6. So we type that in and hit Save.
#This is the Main Page with links to all the acceptance tests for the app to track my money better
# ShowMeTheMoney
# ^TestsForTrackingInflowsS6
Now before we create the TestsForTrackingInflowS6 subwiki page, We need to mark this page as a Test Suite. We do that by opening up the page Properties (Button on the left), check the Suite property and click ‘Save Properties’. Now we click on the question mark link after the TestsForTrackingInflowsS6 to create the subwiki page. Here’s where we start writing our tests. VOC: Well its pretty simple, Every time I receive an amount, my current balance must be incremented by the same amount. Dev: Let me quickly write that up
Dev: Is this what we mean ?
VOC: Yup.

Ok so I save the page. Bid adieu to the customer for now.
We also need to check the Test property in Page Properties. Wait a sec, its already showing a Test button – seems like subwiki pages under a suite page have their Test property set by default... Cool. Lets try clicking that shiny blue button.
Dirty Yellow. "Could not find fixture : AccTestTrackInflows"

Ok. So lets create that ruby fixture – the glue between the wiki tests and our application code. A ColumnFixture should do the trick. Hmm.. seems like the
Ruby variant has some quirks of its own.
  • We need to rename the fixture as X.Y e.g.AcceptanceTests.TestTrackInflows.
  • Create a directory called X e.g. AcceptanceTests and place the ruby class file under it.
  • The class should be within a module under the same name as the parent folder - X has to be a module and Y a class within the module as seen in the example below
So we do all that. Phew! I create a folder under the rails project dir. Open up SCITE and create the fixture class - L:\Gishu\Ruby\ShowMeTheMoney\AcceptanceTests\TestTrackInflows.rb

require 'fit/column_fixture'

module AcceptanceTests

class TestTrackInflows < Fit::ColumnFixture
attr_reader :balance
attr_accessor :amountReceived
def initialize
@balance = 0
def currentBalance


Next we need to make Fitnesse run the Ruby Fit Server instead of the default one that talks Java. This is the page we need to read for details. (Thanks Andy D.)
We need to define the COMMAND_PATTERN as follows
Now I need to help the Wiki page find the fixture. I do that with the following directive at the top of the TestTrackingInflowsS5 page.
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {ruby -I %p "L:\ruby_home\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\fit-1.1\bin\FitServer.rb" -v}
!path "L:\Gishu\Ruby\ShowMeTheMoney"

But the darn thing won’t work.

[Update: Cory Foy found out that the -v option must be at the "end" of the COMMAND pattern. See

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